
Main modeling element of the numerous engine is the Item class, which is used to define a single simulation element.


Each Item object can contain one or more namespaces, which are used to organize the equations and variables for that component. Namespace represents a specific physical domain or area of the system, and can contain its own set of equations and variables. Each namespace can contain one or more Equation objects, which are used to define the mathematical relationships between the variables in the namespace. Namespaces are created by calling the create_namespace() method on an Item or Subsystem object. For example:

class MyItem(Item):
    def __init__(self, tag='my_item'):
        # Create a namespace for our equations
        mechanics = self.create_namespace('mechanics')
        # Add variables to the namespace
        mechanics.add_state('x', 0)

In the above example, a namespace called mechanics is created on the MyItem object, and a state variable x is added to it. Once a namespace is created, equations can be added to it by calling the add_equations() method on the namespace and passing in a list of equation objects as an argument.

class MyItem(Item,EquationBase):
    def __init__(self, tag='my_item'):
        mechanics = self.create_namespace('mechanics')
        mechanics.add_state('x', 0)
    def eval_(self, scope):
        scope.x_dot = 1