
The Simulation class in the numerous.engine.simulation module is used to run the simulation of a system over time. To create a simulation, a Model object must first be instantiated, which represents the system being completed and compiled. Once a Model object is created, it can be passed as the first argument to the Simulation class, along with the start and stop time of the simulation, the number of time steps to take, and the number of inner steps for the solver to use. Here is an example of how to create a simulation for a Subsystem object called system with a start time of 0, a stop time of 2, and a total of 2 time steps:

from numerous.engine.model import Model
from numerous.engine.simulation import Simulation

model = Model(system)
simulation = Simulation(model, t_start=0, t_stop=2, num=2)

You can also pass additional parameters to the Simulation constructor that represent options for numerous solver. Once the simulation is created, you can use the solve() method to run the simulation and solve the system of equations. The result of the simulation can be accessed through the model attribute of the Simulation object, in historian_df field of the model. You can also use the reset(self, t_start:float) method to resets the simulation and model states to their initial values. The Numerous Engine allows users to create a step solver simulation by calling the step_solve(t_start:float, step_size:float) method. To make a single simulation step.

from numerous.engine.model import Model
from numerous.engine.simulation import Simulation

model = Model(system)
simulation = Simulation(model, t_start=0, t_stop=2, num=2)
simulation.step_solve(t_start=0,  step_size=0.1)