
The Model class is initialized with a Subsystem object, which is the top-level container for the system’s components. The Subsystem class allows users to organize the system’s components into a hierarchical structure, with each Item representing a subsystem or a component of the system.

Model creation

To create a model in Numerous Engine, we need to define the subsystems which are a set of subsystem and Item classes that define the components of the model. All subsystems should be registered in one subsystem.

After defining the subsystems, we can initialize the model and create an instance of the model class with the main subsystem as a parameter. The model is automatically compiled during initialization, which can take some time.

The initialized model object contains compiled functions for the solver. It is possible to add events to the model after compilation, as events are compiled during the initialization of the solver.

Model external mappings and global variables

Model Logger levels

Model cloning and serialization

Cloning a model allows you to create a copy of an existing model. if model have to be cloneable This can be useful when you want to run multiple simulations with slightly different parameter values or initial conditions. To clone a model, you can call the clone() method on an existing model object, and then pass the resulting object to a new simulation.

Exporting a model allows you to save the compiled model to disk, so that it can be reused later without having to re-run the compilation process. To export a model, you can can provided with export_model=True argument during initialization. Model will be exported to he path specified in EXPORT_MODEL_PATH environment variable. To restore exported model we have to use from_file(filename: str) method, it will return a model ready to simulation.

Getting results of the computation

To get results after the simulation is finished we need to read historian_df. historian_df is an attribute of a Numerous model that stores a pandas DataFrame of the simulation history.

historian_df attribute is generated on a model instance after the simulation has completed . The DataFrame contains a row for each time step of the simulation, and columns for each variable in the model. We can access variable by providing variable path string. Here’s an example of how to use it:

system = Success()
model = Model(system)

sim = Simulation(model, t_start=0, t_stop=100, num=200)
dataframe = model.historian_df