Get Started

The Numerous engine is a package for modeling and simulating systems in Python. It is a Python library that provides a high-level, pythonic interface for defining systems of equations and running simulations of these systems. The Numerous engine is designed to be flexible and easy to use, and can handle a wide range of system models. It is designed to be highly scalable and can handle large, complex models efficiently.

How to install it?

To install using pip use:

$pip install numerous-engine

Quick start

You can get started quickly here with a simple example:

from numerous.engine import model, simulation
from numerous.examples.dampened_oscillator.dampened_oscillator import OscillatorSystem
#Define simulation
s = simulation.Simulation(
    t_start=0, t_stop=10, num=100, num_inner=100, max_step=0.1
simulation_result = s.model.historian_df

Or follow one of our comprehensive tutorials:

  • Bouncing_Ball model of a ball dropping from a certain height and bouncing off the ground, until it finally comes to rest.
  • Two tanks model that are placed on top of each other and connected by a valve.