
In the Numerous engine, a state event is a condition that is evaluated at each timestep of a simulation. If the condition is met, a specified action is triggered. State events can be used to change the value of a state variable or parameter, or to change the integration method of the solver.

State events are defined by a mathematical expression or a condition that is evaluated after each solver convergence. This condition is called the zero-crossing condition, which refers to the point at which a mathematical expression changes sign. If the condition is true, the action specified in the event is executed. The action of a state event can include for example changing the value of a state variable or parameter

A time event is a type of event that is conditioned on time and is only executed during specific time steps. The action of a time event is similar to a state event , where the specified action is triggered if the time condition is met. However, unlike a state event, the time event is triggered only at specific times during the simulation. We use variable path to address variables in dictionaries that are passed to functions.

Adding State and Time events

We can add state and time event for both model and system using add_event and add_timestamp_event functions.

Here’s how you can add state event:

Adding state event:

  1. Create a condition function that checks for the desired state. This function should take the current time and system variables as input.
  2. Create a action function that will be called when the state event is triggered. This function should take the current time and system variables as input, and can modify the variables as needed.
  3. Call the add_event method on the system object, passing the name of the event, the state-checking function, and the state-modifying function as arguments. It is also possible to specify direction of zero crossing.

Here’s an example code snippet that adds a state event to a system:

# returns position to find zero crossing using root finding algorithm of scipy solver
def hitground_event_fun(t, states):
        return states['t1.x']

# change direction of movement upon event detection and reduce velocity
def hitground_event_callback_fun(t, variables):
        velocity = variables['t1.v']
        velocity = -velocity * (1 - variables['t1.f_loss'])
        variables['t1.v'] = velocity
        variables['t1.t_hit'] = t

system.add_event("hitground_event", hitground_event_fun, hitground_event_callback_fun)

To add time event function `` add_timestamp_event`` is used. We follow the same steps, but instead of action function we specify timestep array or periodicity constant.


Variable path used in condition and action function is relative to the system we add event to. If we add event to the model we have to use path to the root system.