
Equations in numerous engine is a mathematical expression that describes how the state variables and parameters of a system change over time. Equations are written as methods on a class that inherits EquationBase class from the numerous.multiphysics.equation_base module and are decorated with the @Equation. These class are used in conjunction with the Item and Subsystem classes to simulate the behavior of a system over time. The values of the state variables and parameters are updated according to the equations and the chosen integration method.

Equation registration

To define an equation item, you first need to create an namespace and add any of the following variables to a namespace:

  • state: A state variable represents a quantity that changes over time, such as the position or velocity of an object. State variables are defined using the add_state() method. Adding a state variable will automatically create two variables in the scope object: one for the state and another for its time-derivative with name <state_name>_dot.
  • parameter: A parameter quantity that can change over time, but is not a state variable. Parameters are defined using the add_parameter() method.
  • constant: A variable is a fixed quantity that does not change over time, such as the mass or length of an object. Constant variables are defined using the add_constant() method.

Once the namespace has been created and the variables have been added, you can add an equation to it by calling the add_equation() method on the namespace, passing in the equation object as an argument. For example:


It is possible to add multiple equations on the single namespace, they will be treated a single equation internally and executed in order they added. The decorator in the numerous.multiphysics.equation_decorators module allows users to annotate functions as equations that will be compiled in numerous engine. This decorator takes in a function and modifies it to be used as an equation in a system. The function must take in a scope argument, which provides access to the state, parameter,constants, and global values of the system. The function should use the scope object to calculate the time-derivative of the state and store it in a derivatives named <state_name>_dot. In order to notify that we need to do this, the engine compiles the code in functions decorated with @Equation(). Here is an example of how to use the Equation decorator to define an equation for a simple system:

class MyItem(Item,EquationBase):
    def __init__(self, tag='my_item'):
        # Create a namespace for our equations
        mechanics = self.create_namespace('mechanics')
        # Add variables to the namespace
        mechanics.add_state('x', 0)

    def eval(self, scope):
        # Assign value to a derivative of state x
        scope.x_dot = 1

Limitation of equation functions

It is only allowed to use limited set of statements inside an equation function because we need to be able to convert the equations into a form that can be efficiently run by a solver. First limitation is that assign operator can only be used to assign values to variables in a tuple,lists or a single scalar variable. This have to be accounted if we are using functions inside equation that are not returning on of mentioned datatypes. The following example shows use of assign operator:

def eval(self, scope):

    # Assign values to tuple of variables
    scope.x, scope.y, scope.z = (1, 2, 3)
    # Assign values to list variable
    my_list = [4, 5, 6]
    # Using subscript to access list value
    scope.f = my_list[0]
    # Assign values to set variable
    my_set = {7, 8, 9}
    # Using subscript to access set value
    scope.q = list(my_set)[0]

Another important limitation of equations inside numerous engine is not full support of if statements and if expressions. We are not allowed to use nested if statements and only scalar variables are allowed to be compared in if statement. Augmented assign only support scalar numeric values.

One way to avoid such limitations is to write complex functions outside of the equation body and compile it using njit decorator or Numerous function decorator form numerous engine. There couple of ways how we can add such external functions to the equitation body.

Numpy library is always imported for methods decorated with @Equation().

Import from external library

To use external libraries inside equations we have to import them on model level using imports keyword arg.

NumerousFunction decorator

The @NumerousFunction() decorator can be used to define notify that function should be compiled using numba and included into namespace of the equation. With this decorator can use all subset of python that is supported in numba.

class SelfTest(EquationBase, Item):
    def __init__(self, tag="tm", offset=0):

        Item.__init__(self, tag)
        EquationBase.__init__(self, tag)

        self.add_parameter('x', 0)
        self.add_state('t', 0)

        data = np.arange(100)

        def test_self(t):
            return data[round(t)] + offset

        self.test_self = test_self

        mechanics = self.create_namespace('test_nm')

    def eval(self, scope):
        scope.t_dot = 1
        scope.x = self.test_self(scope.t)

Global variables inside equation method

It is possible to use global variables inside the equation decorated method. There is one pre-defined global variable t in equation that is time variable that allow as to accesses current time that is used by the solver. To add another global variable to be used inside equation we have to import them separately on a model level. To use global variables inside the equation we can access them using global_vars key inside the scope that is passed to the equation annotated method.

def eval(self, scope):
    scope.T = scope.global_vars.constant_value


It is not possible to assign to global_vars variables.